Less than five years ago, three young adults departed from Wilmore, Kentucky. Two got married and moved to North Carolina where today they are raising two children, organically that is.

Multi-tasking at its finest. Also seen: feeding baby, talking on phone, & eating lunch, simultaneously, of course.

Good things come to those who wait for strawberries to chill in the fridge.
Ricky's "old" favorite: Green beans, rice-like feculent, baked chicken. Some things don't change: Everything tastes better with loved ones.

No matter what, there's time to read the rhyming Bible (LOL).
I recently escaped to the hills of North Carolina, only to be caught in court and sentenced to 30+ years in prison for second-degree murder. Don't judge me, but only half of that is true... The other half applies to man I will not name whom I saw sentenced.
During my time in court and at my friends' homestead (Rick is a court reporter), I learned that fast-paced doesn't have to mean "fast food." I also learned that "breast [milk] is best," but that doesn't apply to me right now.
In my recent Whole Foods adventure (the one where I discovered fromage blanc in Lexington), I literally took pictures of the buffet (yeah, I did) in order to re-create "Garlicky Greens" and some other interesting dishes. I came back from North Carolina with a very similar sort of result, if not more profound. Reminds me of studying language out of a textbook versus studying language out of my own culture (and in another one!). What I mean is, I'm an experiential learner, so now that I've seen a host of recipes cooked well, and cooked quickly, I am confident I can recreate many of them.
Here's an incomplete list. Check out the pictures too. Take time to appreciate all that Ricky & Aidan have going on behind the scenes and send up a prayer for them and their two wee ones, Aolani & Micaiah (Side note: If you eat organic food, odds are you might give your children really earthy names like Kale or Barley.)
-Frozen fruit smoothy with green veggie powders, bananas, and juice
-Whole grain organic, chocolate chip pancakes with real organic Maple syrup. Y.U.M.
-Salmon melt (sliced bread, organic canned salmon, tomato, munster cheese, basil or other)
-Tuna salad at local diner.
-Pasta Farfalle
-Tacos w/...of course organic ingredients. Guac' is good on tacos, people!
-Organic chocolate covered raisins (great for the muchies...with moderation)
-Organic strawberries covered in organic dark [sugarless] chocolate (Needed sugar!)
-"Mexican Pound Cake," We hit up the "Tienda Mexicana y Libraria Cristina" not a combo I see every day. But my point being, try a local bakery for a sweet treat before dinner, the French call this "gouter" [goo-tay] and tend to eat cakes at 4/5pm and have fruit or cheese for dessert at the table. Often "gouter" is reserved for the young...or young @ heart. Me voilà.
Wow... this is well-written, and I feel flattered! Come again SOON!
RépondreSupprimerRICKY HERE [the first post was Aidan]: That is one tizight blog! I feel flattered too. All of our food looks so much better through the lens of your nice camera and photography skills. You're good at this food blog thing. And you make it fun and funny. Next time we should do a feature on the Tienda Mexicana y Libreria Cristina.
RépondreSupprimerSo glad to have readers and to have spent a wonderful week with my best East or West of the Mississippi. Thank you for your support!