"Use sour cream for crème fraiche and cottage cheese for fromage blanc." Thanks to Whole Foods in Lexington Green, I may never have to say that again! The lumpy consistency of cottage cheese has always been a bit unsettling for me, like it knew something I didn't. So, I will happily oblige fromage blanc and Whole Foods next time I set out to prepare a flammenkeuche.
Happy tension: while it is lovely to buy everything on your ingredient list without substituting or going without, there is something to be said for resourcefulness, culinary creativity, and oui penny pinching. So it is with minimal regret that I express to you, niche-blog reader, that I may indeed reach for the lumpy gloop of cottage cheese despite the availability of "France's answer to yogurt" (fromage blanc).
Cottage cheese & my local, or not so local :-/, Kroger, Meijer, or Wal-Mart offer the fromage substitute at a much less posh price than Whole Food's real-deal "white cheese" as it could be literally rendered. Now if you are unfamiliar, the mystery ingredient I'm alluding to is of the consistency of let's say Greek yogurt and without added sugar and/or raspberries, etc., has been known to make yours truly gag. This is, of course, much to the chagrin of many a Frenchman as the semi-precious commodity is a treat even for them.
So feast your eyes, if not your fingers and your taste buds, on these products, available for the right price, in your Whole Food's chilled dairy section. Bon appétit!
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